Sixth Form students benefit from a strong and well-established system of support which helps to guide and shape their experience, and which sets them up for the future.
This team includes a dedicated administrator and pastoral and curriculum team for the Sixth Form and 8 Form Tutors.
In addition to the above information, notices, news and events are also communicated via the school website and Facebook. Please follow us on these platforms to keep up-to-date.
The positive mental and physical health of our students is a priority for our school and we are proud of the welfare support that we provide for our community. We have a dedicated team who advise, coach and mentor our students. They build positive relationships with all members of our student community and play a key role in monitoring your progress both academically and emotionally.
The Sixth Form leadership team makes regular contact with parents and carers to ensure strong lines of communication are in place to provide the best possible support for our students. Students at Oxford Spires Academy are also placed in tutor groups, with a single form tutor who meets with them on a daily basis. The positive relationships built between tutor and tutees is a really important element of the pastoral structure which provides you with a clear point of first contact for any questions or concerns.
We also have a team of dedicated Mental Health First Aiders within school. The school has strong links with a number of outside agencies which support the wellbeing of our students.
The wider personal development programme in the Sixth Form guides students on a variety of personal and global issues, and provides the support and information which students need in order to plan their future beyond school. The programme is delivered through a mixture of assemblies, talks from guest speakers, and structured activities delivered by form tutors.